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Product Name:Sound-absorbing system
Industrial premises, noise pollution. Noise absorption and isolation ...


Sound-absorbing system ‖ ‖

Industrial plants within the noise, especially when the operation of machinery with strong noise generated will not only affect the working environment, if left unchecked, then the staff may even harm hearing. The most reasonable solution is to control the construction noise or noise workshop and screen will be separated by staff and machinery. The acoustic requirements for public places, highways, etc. also need a reasonable or absorb noise isolation to address the noise pollution problems.


Rokcore sound-absorbing system is there for noise isolation and absorption of the requirements of industrial environment and public environment to develop products of the walls and ceiling. Noise for different places to provide an internal solution. Porosity of 30% of the perforated composite plate Rokcore this system better.


‖ Area ‖ sheet

- Rokcore interior walls and ceiling of the noise itself has a good effect of noise more than 31dB;

- Rokcore in particular the development of porosity of 30% perforated sound-absorbing board to improve the system, sound insulation to achieve 36dB, noise reduction coefficient NRC up to 95%.


‖ ‖ The scope of application of

Rokcore acoustic systems are generally applicable to the dry indoor environment, applies to the need to absorb the noise of industrial environments and public environment

Sound-absorbing system Rokcore after special treatment, but also to highways, tunnels and so on need to absorb noise
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