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Product Name:Fire wall plate
The style of the building reflects the image of its owner: the classical or modern, bold or modest publicity ...


The external walls and partition systems ‖ ‖

Rokcore building exterior wall system provides more possible, and to make it more personalized. The diversity of surface design, the scope of a wide range of color, very strong collection of decorative edges, looking for details of dealing with the full display of imaginative architects, to shape the external walls of charming the most powerful tool.

- Rokcore while providing a solid, non-flammable interior walls and ceilings for fire protection of internal special requirements of health and construction noise.

- Rokcore factory prefabricated panels of the corner of an increase of the external walls of the mobility in the design, construction in the corner so that the design of a more concise and easy to deal with.

- Rokcore wall system provides exceptional width of 300-100mm plate customized to meet the degree requirements of the external walls of beautifully designed (for example, with the doors and windows with matching size with the use of other materials)

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