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Product Name:Fire board / fire cold plate
Our goal is to fire: the protection of the lives of persons within the building to minimize non-housing facilities and the loss of fixed assets, while protecting the environment from further spread of disasters caused by hazards.
Fire protection systems need to fire all of the construction of the choice of the most trusted ...

Fire protection systems ‖ ‖
The use of fire protection systems do not incombustibility A rock wool board structure, combined with exceptional design details and accessories, to ensure the safety of the building, plant or buildings for fire safety provided within a complete solution, and simplifies the design of the building.

Incombustible Rokcore plate for A2-s1, d0-class products. Under the sheet and the core material of different thickness, Rokcore can provide 30 minutes to 5 hours of fire resistance fire plate, the plate for the ceiling with the fire of time> 1.5 hours of request.

‖ ‖ Fire wall
  Fire safety requirements (minutes) 90 120 180 240
  Wall thickness (mm) 80 100 150 200

Ceiling fire ‖ ‖
  Fire safety requirements (minutes) 90 120
  Ceiling thickness (mm) 80 100

‖ ‖ The scope of application of
Apply to fire protection systems have a higher fire safety requirements of the external walls, internal walls and ceilings.
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