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Home >> Project Performance
 ■ King through the lives of Shanghai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. repository
 ■ Bai-Han (Nanjing) Textile Co., Ltd. fire wall insulation installation
 ■ Infant Food Co., Ltd.DUMES Fire wall insulation installation
 ■ Co., Ltd. Dalian IKEA wall insulation fire
 ■ Food Co., Ltd. Shanghai International Airport (Hongqiao Airport) Integrated refrigerator
 ■ SeashengweiPharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Fengzhen Road) drugs store
 ■ Baoshan District, Shanghai service station anti-health general hospital decontamination
 ■ Shanghai Xiao Bao-reinforced plastics plant chiller systems engineering
 ■ Shanghai Baoshan Ronan animal testing ground decontamination
 ■ Gymnastics Sports Center Shanghai Restaurant Cold Storage
 ■ Baoshan District, Shanghai State Revenue central air-conditioning renovation project noise
 ■ Purification Technology Co., Ltd. Fuhua cool refrigerator
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